Most insurance companies require a written appraisal of each item you wish to insure over $1000. Keep in mind that not all appraisals are created equal. The more details included in the appraisal, the easier it is to replace the item with a similar piece if lost or stolen.
An appraisal makes it easier to replace your jewelry item if it is lost or stolen. Appraisals can also help with a claim on an insured piece if there are lost stones or damage to your jewelry.
It is recommended that your appraisals be updated every 3-5 years. When there are substantial increases in the prices of metals and stones it is wise to have your appraisal updated because your piece easily becomes underinsured in these instances and you will not be fully covered in case of a loss.
You will need to submit a claim with your insurance company. In most cases a replacement piece will be provided. Some insurance companies provide you with the replacement in other cases you will be able to search out your own replacement.
First, we are qualified to provide the initial appraisal service. Second, we are able to work with your insurance company to find a replacement due to loss. Lastly, we are able to provide repair services for a claim of damage or lost stones. Any required replacement quotes can be provided in a timely manner.
In an industry that provides little accreditation, the American Gem Society awards titles declaring members as skilled professionals upon completion of stringent gemological examinations and re-certifications. For you the consumer, this means AGS provides professional and trustworthy retail jewelers. A jeweler, who advertises their AGS membership as Registered Jeweler (RJ), Certified Gemologist (CG), Certified Gemologist Appraiser (CGA), or Certified Sales Associate (CSA), is separated from their competition as the true and trusted gemologically trained expert. These AGS titles, further described below, are renewed annually and members are required to uphold the gemological and ethical standards established by AGS.
Yes. We have a full time watch professional on staff who is capable of handling repairs on almost all types of watches.
Usually. If the store is not busy, we can install one battery while you wait. Multiple watches generally need to be left for a short time.
Yes and No. Minor repairs such as attaching clasps, ring guards and loops on charms as well as refinishing a ring are done in-store. More complex repairs such as ring re-sizing, soldering, and prong restoration are done off-site by a professional goldsmith.
Most jewelry repairs done off-site take approximately 2 weeks. Watch repair times vary widely depending on whether parts are in-stock or back-ordered. Many may take just a few days or a week or two but some may take considerably longer.